Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The all Natural-Homemade Postpartum Care Kit | Just too good for mothers on confinement

Giving birth requires a lot of work to recover and hence in Asia context, we have our one month confinement to nurse back our health and at the same time bond with the newborn. Not forgetting that healing can be painful and challenging.

For first time mothers especially, I recalled myself shortage of things that I actually need but never prepare. Luckily, in Singapore, shops are not too far away to send husbands to run an errand to. =p

However, maybe we can relook at our already available home items that we can make used of. And also saving on costs.

Preparing for postpartum in advance is also essential for helping guard your adjusting body against the baby blues and postpartum depression that you are susceptible to after birth.

Please note that information here are merely to educate, inspire, and motivate you to look into these issues more on your own, or to speak with your own medical practitioner for more information.

1.Postpartum Salt BathFor women going through natural birth, and there's a cut or tear to the perineum area, soak yourself for 5-10 minutes or even wash the area with a bath bath to help healing faster. Fill up warm water in a basin and dissolve in a tablespoon of salt. This can be your table salt. No, it does not sting. We tried it and it indeed help heal the perineum area faster and helps soothes the pain. You can either sit in the solution for 5-10 minutes or wash your perineum area with this after using the loo.

2. Refreshing Perineum SprayFill a small spray bottle with witch hazel and a few drops of lavender essential oil and apply to your perineum after you use the restroom.

3. Postpartum Blues SprayGeranium or bergamot essential oils are excellent to prevent post-partum depression, so dilute a 2-3 drops in a small spray bottle or diffuse around the room to help balance all those adjusting hormones. A small spray bottle with this concoction is another great gift for a new mommy.

4. Homemade Mother’s Milk TeaYes, you need it for the hearty production of your milk supply.
Please refer to the recipe at this link.

If you have more good ideas to share, please drop us a note so that mothers can get prepared. =)


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