Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Risk of smoking when you are pregnant

Recently, I saw a pregnant lady outside KK Hospital bus stop smoking away with her partner. This is really appalling! We all know that breathing in second hand smoke is already harmful enough. What's more, smoking when you are carrying a baby inside you.

As a mother, when my child fall ill with a fever, I get worried enough. What if the child is born with complications? As parents, our first wish for our children is always good health. Spare a though for them too. It will be hard for them too to cope at such a small age.

Please stop smoking for the sake of your loved ones.

If you need more information about what kinds of adverse effects it has on babies, you can go to www.babycentre.com.sg and search keyword like smoking. One of the web links talking about smoking during pregnancy is


Friday, September 11, 2009

Official Opening of Embassy of Babies Website

The day has finally arrived.
We are proud and delighted to announce that our website is now 'live'!!!

Visit www.embassyofbabies.com now!!!

FREE mystery gift all all members who sign up and participate in either the Cutest Baby Contest or Lucky Draw!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Our Sep 2009 Baby Contestants

Here's a video featuring the cute babies for Embassy of Babies Cutest Baby Contest for Sep 2009.

For more info, visit www.embassyofbabies.com!

Our First Baby Ambassador - Luna

We are delighted to introduce our first Baby Ambassador of Embassy of Babies - Luna. For more info on her, visit www.embassyofbabies.com or our Facebook http://www.facebook.com/pages/Embassy-of-Babies/128075894224.

From time to time, we will be selecting new Baby Ambassadors from our Cutest Baby Contest Baby Contestants. So hurry, join in the fun and who knows, your baby might be our next BABY AMBASSADOR!!!