We all know that we have 2 sets of teeth in our lifehood, baby teeth and adult teeth. And in the current era, we are taught to teach our children to take care of their teeth from young; actually at infant stage even before their baby teeths sprouts. That's because we need to take care of ther gums too.
As they grow up, they need to learn how to brush their teeth and it can be a very difficult task. We have googled some info and find this article very useful and like to share with you.
Check this link:
From my own experiences, I would recommend these ways and some are also mentioned in the article from the above link.
1. Let your child chooses her own toothbrush, toothpaste and brushing gadgets from the ranges you pre-select for them.
2. Engage brushing with them meaning brushing together.
3. Be an example to stop eating after the bedtime brushing. Even though brushing can be done again, kids are not too keen to do it again.
4. Use products like Flipper and/or Steripod to generate their interest in brushing. For example, these products are cute and colourful and it makes pre and post brushing an interesting affair. The thought of getting your toothbrush out and back into these products are a fun thing for them as they get to touch them. This method is definitely proven with my kids. :).
5. Floss with them too. Don't forget this part.
Hope the above help you and let you have an idea where to interest your children to start paying attention to oral care and oral hygiene.
Steripod is our newly brought in product from USA and it definitely is a hit here. It helps to sanitize your toothbrush while you are not using it. Believe me, you do not want poop particles to find residence on your toothbrush. That's yucky. And by engaging both oral care and oral hygiene routine, we can ensure that we stay healthier and prevent ourselves from falling sick offen.
Steripod and Flipper are available at www.eobexclusive.com and www.qoo10.sg.
Ciao! :)))
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